Journal of a Mouse

Monday, April 17, 2006

Studio Friday: My Work Hands

Camera sitting on my right knee...

Easter Field-trip

Despite the rainy weather, we took the train to Bad Wimpfen yesterday. We needed to get out for a change. It is a little medieval town set high above the river Neckar. Above you can see the little train station, which hosts a small restaurant where we had our lunch.
We walked around town for a while and admired the little cobble-stoned streets, old houses, and beautiful little courtyards, and gardens.

The air smelled of spring!
And cute little snails crept along the castle walls. This one was especially beautiful (you can click on the pictures for a larger image).

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

I wish all of you a very happy and fun Easter spent with your loved ones!
Happy egg hunting!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Spring Colors!

I couldn´t resist buying this beautiful fabric and all that colorful felting wool when I was visiting a friend in Heidelberg. I don´t exactly know what I´ll make of it yet, but looking at these colors makes me feel all happy!
I´ve never seen a peach colored hyacinthus before, so I just had to get this when I shopped at the farmer´s market on my way home from an other ultrasound. Now, it´s sweet smell fills the air in our living room. Ah, and the ultrasound! It was just so cute to see our little one giving big yawns! No wonder the baby was tired, after exercising in my belly all night, hee, hee! Mommy was very tired, too!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ducks in a Row

I started to knit the little ducks, but they still look a little rugged (I´m not very good with intarsia work). I hope the stitches will look a little smoother when I sewed in the loose ends.
I spend most of last week looking for shoes to match my wedding dress and other wedding preparations. I was lucky and got the last pair of cream colored shoes - nearly the exact shade of my dress! I even found a beautiful necklace, even more beautiful than the one I had wanted to buy in the first place. All that is left to do is making a final decision on the menue and talking to the florists. That will actually be something I will enjoy. So now, I can finally relax and enjoy myself. As the weather is said to be grey and rainy this week, I will probably stay indoors, working away on some ideas for the future nursery and former studio, knitting, and whatever else is coming to my mind that I would enjoy doing...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Baby Blanket Update

I had a few problems uploading my pictures to the computer, but now that they are solved I can show you the progress I have made in knitting the baby blanky. I frogged it two times, because of the lower brim turning up. Well, it still does, but not as bad as before. I think I tend to knit the garter stitch too loose. I just hope that blocking the blanket will help, too.
I´m pretty busy with wedding preparations at the moment. Only three weeks to go! I still didn´t find any shoes that would match my dress and the necklace that I wanted to buy is no longer available... fortunately I can lend the jewelry at the jewelry shop where we got our wedding rings, in case I don´t find an alternative (oh, they are just sooo beautiful and I can´t wait to show you! We can´t resist trying them on every once in a while just to admire them a little *biggrin*). I´m already pretty nervous and hope it will be a warm and sunny day (so we can celebrate in the little courtyard of the hotel and have our pictures taken outside in the park)!