Journal of a Mouse

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


The weather finally got better and that makes studying easier for me, because I can sit on the balcony enjoying the sun. Instant mood improvement! Still, I´d rather sit in the sun and knit or sew or just eat some soy ice cream!

Saturday, March 12, 2005


I am so tired of studying... I´d rather go on knitting my winter sweater or painting something. Maybe I´m just going to knit one or two rows and then stop... All right, all right. Back to work... One row?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Hallo there!

I will really start blogging by the middle of april when my written exams are over (Second state exam in German law - maybe comparable to the bar exam). So watch out for news! I will also work on the layout of my site. But as I don´t have a scanner and no digital camera yet, I won´t be able to redo this site in the way I imagine it to look. Anyway, I hope my boyfriend will get a scanner soon, so I can add a personalized banner to this blog. I am soooo looking foreward to doing all this! It will be so much more fun than studying for my exams!