Journal of a Mouse

Monday, October 17, 2005

Studio Friday: Lost and Found

I recently found this birthday calendar in the depths of my drawers. I had made this as a first-grader and my mom hung it up in the guest bathroom for some years. I had long forgotten about this one. As you can see on this example drawing, I have always been one to go into detail, ha, ha!
I love the over-dimensional ladybugs! And what I love even more is this:
Next to my name, my three years younger brother wrote "Blöt Dee". It must have been when he was learning how to read and write, because it is spelled all wrong. It must say "Blöde", meaning "Stupid". He must have been pretty angry at me, ha, ha! So cute!


At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahah, bea, that is so funny with the "Bloede" :-D Just something my brother could have written as well actually, haha!
Those overdimensional lady bugs are sooo sweet!!! That must have been somehting that you found that again in your drawer! I had my art portfolios I made in elementary school in my cellar back in Hamburg as well but I don't know if they survived my leaving for overseas. They either ended up at my parents' place or in the dump which pains me just thinking about it.

Those are true relics of our pasts and I love it! Such treasures!!

At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a find! So cool I vaguely remember doing a calendar like that in fifth grade but don't know where it is now. Beautiful art work to. Of course its silly to see the little things we could have done just a tad different and it would be prefect. But thats not the point that is so great and sweet and talented can you imagine what your 7 year old self was thinking? oh and ps thanks for the installation of the net. :)

At 12:34 AM, Blogger isay said...

funny and nice of you to share it with us and imagine still having them with you-so cool!

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Bea said...

Tine: Hee, hee, I enjoy the "Blöde", too! I hope that you will one day find your old art portfolios again! Would be such a pity if they really went into the trash...

Alex: You´re welcome! By the way, I actually remember how I sat in class and drew the ladybugs! But I can´t remember what was going on inside my brain then ;-)

Isay: Thank you! I wonder how all this old stuff survived the many moves in my life...

Yvonne: I sooo love the idea of you drawing heart shapes around yourself! We should all do that sometimes, don´t you think?

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Bea said...

I hope you find it! It´s such a pleasure digging out these old memories!


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